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What is Light Language?

Light language codes work on many levels and are a remarkable gift to help us on our soul journey, the upward evolution of the planet and us as a collective.  They help us to:


  • Increase our soul connection

  • Develop clear communication with our higher self

  • Bring information about other lives our soul experiences

  • Clear unhelpful ancestral and karmic energies across timelines and ancestral lines

  • Clear unhelpful psychological, emotional, and behavioral programmes from our energy fields

  • Clear entity attachments, hexes, energetic curses

  • Raise our vibration and activate dormant DNA so we can hold higher energetic frequencies

  •  Heal physical dis-ease

  • Activate our innate soul abilities (e.g. psychic, healing, channelling, mediumship, astral travel, light language)

  • Heal, clear and upgrade energetic grids and templates around the earth 

  • Enable us to shift timelines


Do we all have the ability to channel light language?  YES! 

We are multi-dimensional beings.  When our soul came forth from source energy it fragmented into many parts.  Each part is experiencing a life in the cosmos, whether on earth or elsewhere.  When we incarnate onto earth we forget the other fragments of our soul so that we can play within the 3D reality that is currently the human experience.  The energetic programmes and templates that have been in place on Earth and which we carry within our physical body and energetic field have inhibited our ability to remember all that we are.


However, this is changing.  As we come into awareness of our multi-dimensionality and reconnect with all aspects of our soul and source energy we find that dialects that we carry on a soul level return too. These   Light Languages bring in energies and information from other dimensions.


Light language can be spoken, sung, danced, and written.  It can also be a series of hand movements or art. Although not interpreted directly we may also receive channelled (telepathic) messages to help us understand the content.  If we are clairvoyant we can often see the beings we are communicating with too. The information they bring may include channelled guidance, insights and predictions as well as codes that hold powerful frequencies that alter and activate our energetic field and cellular structure in specific ways. 


There are many light languages and as each galactic/terrestrial race carries a different energetic vibration, so do their language and codes.  This is useful because we can use different frequencies for different areas of energetic work.  The beings I work with always bring light language for our highest good and with love.

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What Clients Say

"After watching a few of Arwen’s light language videos I was drawn to connect for more information about her light language healing sessions. I was feeling a bit stuck on my spiritual path. The questions I have been answered gracefully by her guides and I was provided with practical ways to move forward. I found Arwen to be one of the most genuine and loveliest spiritual facilitators I have met and would absolutely recommend to anyone wanting to gain clarity and healing."
Cosmos and Space

To channel light language is to speak directly from that part of you existing in higher dimensions.

Arwen Welsh

Get in Touch

Based in the UK, I work with people from all over the world, either in person or on-line.  If you have questions or want to find out more before booking a session just send me a message.

Thanks for reaching out, I'll get back to you shortly.

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